Tuesday, October 14, 2014


I know this is long over due but...

I just want to say THANK YOU!! To all the people out there who keep us in your thoughts and prayers.  It was a hard time for my family and we made it though. If it wasn't for the good wishes, helping hands, soup kitchen, school, and people who just listen, I greatly appreciate everything.  If I missed anyone I apologize, and THANK YOU also. 

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Well S A L T, is over!!

Actuality is has been for a couple of weeks, but due to me trying to make up the homework I got behind in while being homeless, I haven't been able to update anything.  So here I am, updating. We got into a house that we are paying rent on, it's not the best looking house on the planet, but we have a roof over our heads and a bed to sleep on, and a place that is safe for the kids. And that all that matters.

I have learned a lot in the last couple of months, like not matter what happen, it always end up for the best, and there is always a reason for it, you may not know what or why, but there is a reason.

Friday, July 18, 2014

The building we are working on.

The hole in the ceiling that we get to fix!!

Look at the color. 

The person that was last in here got mad and threw a temper tantrum, putting paint on the walls and holes. 

He even used a sword. 

I'm using this to teach my kids that if they destroy something, someone has to fix it and it not easy. 

Monday, July 14, 2014

Someone shared this on Facebook. I read that and realize... It so true!!


Ok, kids we came though the worst, 

we are homeless,
stayed in a tent for 2 weeks, 

stayed in a building (cause someone we know let is), 

one car has a leak, making it where it over heats, 

the other, has a fuel something issue, which makes it where it will not start for a while, making it where we over heat. 

The cats decide they didn't want to be kept inside and ran away, one did come back, and the other one a day later, 

then on the last weekend here at the building, I don't know if we have to move back into the tent.

Your momma, is having some health issue, that is starting to scare her.

I won't you kids to look at this in the future and realize that, during this time, we held it together and survive this. And that you can so the same in yours. 

Saturday, June 28, 2014

School work, Library days, and everything inbetween.

As much as I try to keep the kids busy though out all this, I didn't think what that would do to me. I thought the kids having stuff to do would keep the stress down - not. But we're doing it.  This place is not that bad, can't get wifi, so doing class work has been kinda hard. I'm starting to fail a class, due to the fact, I'm sometimes late turning in assignments. And can't make it to the live stuff. But it will get better. I have to believe that.

And as much we like going to the library, we have a little problem during the whole ordeal one of my son  books got wet and he turned it in without tell me, I got a phone call about it. It's damage and has to be paid for and we can't check out anymore book because of that. So I want to scream in frustration, but it will get better.

It will get better.

Friday, June 27, 2014


Ok, we don't live in a tent anymore, so operation SALT "Summer Adventure Living in a Tent" so I need to call this blog, the chapter of this life, something else. We're still homeless, we have no home, we're just in a building. We have to be done and gone in 2 weeks. I hope we done have to be back in a tent. 

But at least Midnight is enjoying the building while we're here.