Saturday, June 28, 2014

School work, Library days, and everything inbetween.

As much as I try to keep the kids busy though out all this, I didn't think what that would do to me. I thought the kids having stuff to do would keep the stress down - not. But we're doing it.  This place is not that bad, can't get wifi, so doing class work has been kinda hard. I'm starting to fail a class, due to the fact, I'm sometimes late turning in assignments. And can't make it to the live stuff. But it will get better. I have to believe that.

And as much we like going to the library, we have a little problem during the whole ordeal one of my son  books got wet and he turned it in without tell me, I got a phone call about it. It's damage and has to be paid for and we can't check out anymore book because of that. So I want to scream in frustration, but it will get better.

It will get better.

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