Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Background, Why are we here?

Operation SALT: Summer Adventure Living in a Tent.
About a week and a half ago we got a letter stating we needed to leave the property, due to hazardous waste. In another words the plumbing broke under the house and there was a massive leak. It’s a house that was turned into apartments, 3 of them. And We ALL had a week to get out. It was just Me, hubby and the 2 brats (My family), an single neighbor Renee (friend/family) and another family, that had to find a place to live. Well the family easily found a place to live, which I’m happy for. My whole family, that includes Renee, had problems finding places that we could afford.  Renee found a RV at an RV park that she like and moved in there.

My father-in-law decided it was time for my little family to get into a house, so we went to the bank and got approved for a loan to buy a house, but that’s going to take a while. So we decided to pitch a tent at that place that Renee found. So we’re still together.  I wanted to keep a record of things that happen so the kids can always remember, the lessons we learned. And the biggest lesson is, even when things get tough there is always a way, you just got to keep trying.

 So this is home, one tent for the kids, and one for me and hubby. 

We have rules in the Camp.
1.  Do not go to the river without an adult.
2.  Always us the buddy system.
Home Sweet Home

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